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P pigeoff
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Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a później treść została przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Tytuł jest napisany przeze mnie, a reszta zdań są kreacją sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał:

You won't believe what disgusting candy they sell in supermarkets!

I almost threw up when I saw it.

If I'm still here next year, I'm going to have to seriously make some major changes.

At least with the baby, I can just lock myself in my apartment.

It'll be a nice change of pace.

I wish there was a place to go for healthy, natural alternative to candy.

They would never have to have chemical additives in their food again.

Here's a poem I just wrote in response to a student's assignment.

The poem is probably the first thing I have ever written that was coherent and well thought out.


Go ahead and laugh, Mom.

I'll laugh too.


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