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P pigeoff
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Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a następnie przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Pierwsze zdanie jest napisane przeze mnie "I am writing to let you know I have witnessed a crime recently.", a reszta jest wytworem sztucznej inteligencji. Mój post jest w 100% czystym bełkotem i nie należy traktować tego czegoś na poważnie. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał:

I am writing to let you know I have witnessed a crime recently.

The perpetrator was a cyclist, a man on a bike.

He was described to me as a black man, a large black man, a very large black man.

He was riding down a street in Hamilton, close to a park, and was followed by a police car that was several cars behind him.

For several minutes the man followed the police car at a distance.

He did not appear to be trying to cause an accident, just riding very slowly.

It appeared that he was following the police car because he was concerned for the safety of the police officer.

What a lovely display of public concern.

And, when the man on the bike finally did pass the police car, he seemed rather nonchalant about it.

As if he expected he was going to get caught, that's why he was being so patient.

Which tells me he was probably not a very safe cyclist in the first place.

A safe cyclist would have immediately sped up when he saw the police car.

A safe cyclist would have given up his personal safety and that of his bike to save the life of the officer

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M MG02
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Właśnie miałem pytać co to za brednie bez ładu i składu?

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