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P pigeoff
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Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a później treść została przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Zdania do "...kręgosłupa mężczyzny" są napisane przeze mnie, a pozostałe zdania są kreacją sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał:
Women's brains have a lower level of intelligence than men. Why? After all, the woman was made of a man's spine which proves that her brain is male-only and therefore must be higher in IQ. The problem with this idea is that there are many more "male" bodies to choose from - at least seven hundred million people on earth right now! And they were created by humans who had evolved their sex differently as far back into the evolutionary tree as we can remember. It should come up later but I'm just going out on my own word here:

There will always exist species where one gender exists too strong or weak for other females – including ourselves. This has happened so much since Darwinism turned down evolution because it did not want another way to look backwards like he said women do.

+2 / 2

@pigeoff Ty naprawdę jesteś takim idiotą, czy tylko udajesz?

P pigeoff
0 / 0

@TomorrowNeverKnows tak