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P pigeoff
+3 / 3

Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a następnie przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Pierwsze zdanie jest napisane przeze mnie "According to guys, an ideal woman should first of all have", a reszta jest wytworem sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał:

According to guys, an ideal woman should first of all have a natural sense or feeling towards men. At the same time she must not be too shallow nor short sighted and need not hide her feelings behind thickets of conceit. This is what you get when your perfect wife gets used up by society's rigid definition about how women are supposed "beautiful." For instance: A good lady may look pretty for only one week in six months but then soon after start looking stupid so that friends find her beautiful again. She will even leave those who treat them as equals with contempt and hate if they do nothing without doing it herself.

This type usually has some bad luck from past relationships since people can feel insecure around this sort. But at least sometimes their wives might give birth to more children than others due mainly on jealousy because most lovers would like just 1 child! Because (almost) every man was born into his mothers husband's family before he turned 14 years old there were enough strong boys already raised together

+1 / 3

Ale bełkot.Proszę mi wyjawić jaki był zamysł bo czuję nieodpartą ciekawość i potrzebę zdekodowania przez kogoś kompetentnego.
